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Hypnophilia is when one becomes sexually aroused or exciting by sleep. This can be from the thought of sleeping, seeing others sleep, or sleeping apparatuses. The arousal is so strong that it can cause a man to go instantly from six til noon, or a woman to become wetter than a slip’n’slide in 3.2 seconds flat.

Hypnophiliacs can get aroused at least once per day, and usually (because they’re into it) get off 3-4 times with napping. This number can triple if they live with cats, as a cat sleeps 18 hours per day. This may actually cross the lines of bestiality, but is deemed safe and moral because there is no penetration. A hypnophiliac enjoys the hours just before bedtime and as the hours move closer to this time, the blood flows more and more to their genitalia. And when the pajamas and nightgowns are on, it’s very hard for the hypnophiliac not to prematurely ejaculate or orgasm.

Hypnophilia strikes, on average, 1 person out of every 750. They keep their secret arousal to the perv sites and intimate support groups – and especially their shrinks. Forms of therapy (if desired) are prescription melatonin and electroshock therapy. Melatonin (a strong dose) puts the hypnophiliac to sleep instantly, so there is no time for them to be aroused and excited by their own sleepiness. However, in some cases the sight of the pills themselves will begin arousal. Electroshock therapy works in some instances as well. An electric shock is administered directly to the pleasure part of the brain while a series of images are played for the hypnophiliac. This will be accompanied by lullaby music. The person may become an insomniac and go absolutely insane from lack of sleep, but at least they’ll never get hard again.

Certain hypnophiliacs experience arousal when they view or think of others sleeping. You would be surprised at how often you see someone sleep – on the subway or public transit system, at the library, or someone passed out at the pub.

Hypnophiliacs seek out these situations specifically and will find nooks and crannies to hide and jerk off in. Sometimes you will even see them publicly, wearing parachute pants and a baggy jacket. This way they can put one arm inside the jacket and down their pants, with the jacket sleeve positioned in a way that lets others think there’s an arm in there.

Items pertaining to sleep will also arouse some people suffering from hypnophilia. Sleeping caps, sleeping masks, beds, blankets, sheets, pillows and their cases, to name a few, will all be jerked off in or around by a hypnophiliac. If you’re visiting distant friend or cousin for the holidays or when you’re evicted, you may notice they give you crusty “clean” sheets for the couch where you’ll be sleeping. This may be a sign that the person is in fact a hypnophiliac.

Side fact: Japanese body pillow production has tripled this year due to hypnophilia.

1.I found out my girlfriend suffered from hypnophilia and was only into me because of my sleep apnea mask. At least I can breathe and fuck at the same time now!

2. Hypnophilia runs in my family – we all despise the movie Sleepless in Seattle.






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