
Whore is typically used as a pejorative term for a prostitute. It can refer to both male and female, but is usually reserved for women. Although the more literal definition is used for a female prostitute, it is also used as a negative term for any woman who is considered promiscuous or sexually explicit. Similar to the term Slut, women have been calling other women whores since the first man cheated on his wife.

The only time a man uses the term whore negatively, is if he is referring to his own girlfriend or wife who cheated on him. However, if a woman who he is not dating is considered a whore, it is definitely not a negative thing in the eyes of a man.

Whores are wonderful creatures, sexually confident beings who finally give men a chance. The nice thing about a whore is the man doesn’t have to do anything to pick her up. Feminism may have elevated the status for women and brought equality to the table many years ago, but men are still being oppressed with the inherent duty of being the instigator in a bar pick-up scenario. It is always the man’s job to make the first move, phone call, pick up line, or seductive smile. We constantly make ourselves vulnerable, and embarrass ourselves with pick up lines and come-on’s towards women who either turn us down, or toy with us for a while before they finally give in.

A whore, on the other hand, makes it easy. We barely even have to look at her, and suddenly we’re back at our apartment bending her over the couch and fucking her doggie style, or she’s wrapping her legs around our face in the bathroom of a Tim Horton’s. She makes all the moves, and instigates everything; plus, she never leaves her intentions unknown. If a whore flirts with you at the bar, you don’t have to constantly decipher the level of her desired intimacy. Does she want to kiss only? Make out? A little oral in the cab ride home? Or does she want to go all the way? Shit, what if she wants to get married and have kids??!!!

With a whore, you know exactly what you’re getting into, without a doubt, and it is usually without any complications. Really, a whore is just a man with a vagina and no penis, because they are usually the first one to leave in the morning, or that same night. They usually don’t want to cuddle, they’re much more interested in getting themselves off than worrying about you, and nine out of ten times, they give you a fake phone number so a relationship or courting situation doesn’t arise.

Now, that brings us to another vital piece of information about whores; they are not marriage material. They’re like a motorcycle. They’re great to ride during your 20’s and 30’s, and you have a lot of fun, but once you’re ready to settle down it is time to trade it in for a Toyota Corolla or a Mini-van. Of course, just like the motorcycle, you may return to it in your late 60’s after 30 years of a boring, sex-less marriage.

1. Suzie was a total whore, and naturally, I fell in love with her that very first night she blew me in the back of my pick-up.

2. If you’re going to sleep with a whore, it is the only time you should wear a condom. These girls carry real STD’s, not like slutty high school chicks with Gonorrhea.


