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Transsexual is one who identifies with a gender that is inconsistent with their biological sex.

For example, you know that girl in your high school that wears masculine clothes, cuts her hair like a guy, and walks like a man? You know – the one that is a lesbian and plans to get sexual reassignment surgery when she turns 18? Yeah, her. She’s a transsexual.

1. Gary was born a man, but his whole life he thought of himself as a woman. He was attracted to men, and wanted to have babies. He talked and acted in a feminine fashion, and liked to dress up in his sister Beth’s clothes while she was spending the night at her boyfriend Ray’s house. Gary and Beth’s parents were both raging alcoholics and never noticed when Beth spent the night out because they were usually passed out drunk by 9 p.m. One night while Gary was dressed up in his sister’s clothes, she and her boyfriend, came by her house to grab some movies to watch. When they came in the kitchen and saw Gary in a dress and make-up, they were shocked. Beth’s boyfriend Ray took a few menacing steps towards Gary, as though he was going to punch him. Gary held up a pistol he had taken from his dad’s dresser. He liked the feeling of the cold steel inside the silky cotton panties he had taken from Beth’s bedroom. Ray stopped in his tracks and stared down the barrel of the .45, faced with his mortality for the first time in his life.

2. Gary told Ray and Beth to sit down at the kitchen table. He explained, using a laptop and Wikipedia and youtube, that he was a transsexual. He calmly told them that there was nothing to feel threatened by, and no reason that they should love him any less. Ray and Beth, after a few hours of Gary’s explaining, began to understand what he was saying. They had been brought up religious, so their automatic response to his news was hatred and intolerance and ignorance and self-righteousness. But the pistol they were looking at helped them to see that Gary was just different. Ray admitted that he had occasional homosexual feelings for one of his teammates on the football team, when they would shower together after big games. Beth was mortified, but Gary assured her that most people were bi-sexual in some way, and that Ray’s feelings were normal. Beth thought about it, and confessed that she too had sexual attraction towards some of the girls in her class. Especially the ones with big tits. Suddenly, Gary felt a sharp blow strike the back of his head, and the room go dark. When he woke up, he focused his eyes and saw that his father, Jim, had woken up from his drunken stupor and found Gary pointing a gun at his daughter and Ray while wearing a dress. In fact, he didn’t even know it was Gary until he knocked him out and looked carefully at him. Jim was confused about why his son was wearing a dress.  So, while Gary was unconscious, Ray and Beth had shown him, using the laptop and Wikipedia and youtube, the same presentation they had received. And in the end, they all had a nice cup of tea and understood each other a little better.




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