Sex Porn Dictionary





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Someone who is attracted, sexually and/or romantically, to both males and females. As a sexual orientation, bisexuality means just one thing: more options. More hos, more holes, more gender roles! Slot A unavailable? Stick your tab in slot B. No problemo!

Curiously, there is a common cultural bias that values bisexuality in women, but finds it effeminate or undesirable in men. This is because a lot of straight guys think they have a better shot of scoring a two-girl threesome with a pair of bisexual ladies. As a result, they find it hot when women get all queer with each other. Ironically, though, the kind of guys who think bisexuality is hot for girls but gross for guys are the least likely candidates for getting double-teamed by a couple of bi chicks. They don’t dig it when you’re down on their tribe, dudes. And do you know who’s most likely to hook up with those bi-babes after they shoot you down? The bi guy you just dissed. No doubt about it. He’s willing to suck dick, and that just means he gets twice as much pussy. Seem unfair? Suck it up, buttercup!

1. I prefer to date bisexual girls so we can ogle women on the street together.

2. Patty said she was bisexual, so I told her, “You know that doesn’t mean someone who has sex twice a year, right?”




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