Sex Porn Dictionary




Back in Circulation

When you’re back in circulation it means that you’re back on the market. You’re single, have just gotten out of a relationship, just broken up with someone, and are ready to engage with the world of dating. Good times are about to be had by all. Or so you might think.

Being back in circulation can go one of two ways, depending on your personality and depending on how bad the break-up was that you just went through. If you’re an extravert who loves being with people combined with having issues of feeling desperately unloved in the past (unloved AND unlovable), and you get a certain amount of validation from dating and fucking and being desired (which, let’s face it, we all do to a certain extend, but you may be one of those people who absolutely NEEDS that validation or else you’re likely to cut yourself or starve yourself or curl into a ball and die from your own feelings of unworthiness), then being back in circulation can be this epic and wild ride where you’re dating and/or fucking a new person every week or two. It usually ends up being a very emotionally up and down experience and you’ll probably fall in love with every second person you’re with and plan your future with them complete with babies and matching careers and fancy houses and houseboats and you can’t help but think about how much your friends will like him/her, etc. Then, when they ultimately do not live up to that kind of pressure and expectation, you will be horribly heartbroken again and wallow in massive self-pity for a week until you meet the next person who can fill the slot of potential perfect person.

The other experience is for those of us who are mildly self-loathing and feel unlovable but decide that it’s way too humiliating to put ourselves out there and our rejection complexes are so high that when we’re out with our friends we don’t even try to put ourselves out there because why would someone want to hook up with us when our friends are right there looking all hot and sexy and perfectly functional and don’t carry around the massive self-esteem issues that we do? So instead of dating and fucking anyone, we stay consistently mildly sad, but experience less intense ups and downs. There’s nothing to get super excited about but we won’t continue to get our hearts broken over and over again week after week. We feel like we’re unworthy, but decide to resign ourselves to that unworthiness.

So being back in circulation doesn’t tend to bring out our best selves, no matter how functional you might consider yourself to be.

1. I’m totally back in circulation. See that dude over there? I’m going to be pounding him in the bathroom in about half an hour.

2. Mary was back in circulation the day after she dumped me, flirting with dudes right in front of me. It felt like she amputated my limbs and I was this sad torso floating around.


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