Sex Porn Dictionary




Bartholin’s Glands

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Glands that produce a small amount of moistening fluid in the vagina when a woman becomes aroused. They aren’t the main source of vaginal lubrication – that comes from deeper inside the vagina – but the Bartholin’s glands produce enough lubricating mucus to make contact with the opening of the vagina more pleasurable for the women, you know, so she doesn’t get dickburn on her pussy lips when you’re giving her the old pillage and drillage.

The Bartholin’s gland was discovered by the 17th Danish anatomist Caspar Bartholin the Younger. His father was Caspar Bartholin the Elder, a famous player in his day, who could never understand why his son spent so much time looking at wet cooze and not fucking it.

1. Angie’s Bartholin’s glad is on the fritz. Getting my dick in her is like fucking a leather finger trap.

2. We’re making a float in the shape of Sasha’s labia for annual Bartholin’s Gland Parade.



Cowper’s Glands

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