Posts Tagged ‘Free Porn’

How To Impress A Woman In The Snap Of A Finger

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

It’s a fact that you need to impress a woman from start to finish. Watching free porn might help you a little, but I’m here to tell you more. From the time you first set eyes on her, to the time you slam your hungry man hammer into her warm soft lady treasure for the very first time. You don’t have to succeed at every attempt to impress, but this is the big one, screw this one up and you are taking a one way trip to the awkward boat.  Find out if you have what it takes to impress with a snap of a finger.

The secret is in the bra.



Girl On Girl Porn and Why It’s So Good

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Girl on girl porn is one of the number one demands at, and we’re not surprised. When it comes to watching two girls kissing and touching each other, our eyes tear up more than Lindsay Lohan’s in a courtroom.

God bless America, and all the hot, drunken college girls kissing! Let’s explore why exactly girl on girl action is sooooo great.


Free Porn VS Pay Porn

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

When it comes to free porn, most people are fans. Why pay to see a hot woman get fucked, if you don’t have to? The demand for videos continues to rise, but with fewer people paying for sex movies, how is that effecting the quality? That’s what we’re looking at today.

Would you pay to see these two have sex? (more…)

Sex Moves From Porn That Will Get You Slapped

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

There are some things that seem so right in porn, that really don’t work in real life. If you’re a guy that’s grown up with free porn all of your life, before having sex, doing the deed in real life can be a rude awakening, for both you and your fuck buddy.

The smack on the tits that seemed to get that porn star so hot, will usually get you a slap in the face in real life.




Why It Matters If The Porn Star Is Happy

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

When it comes to watching free porn, everyone has their preference. Some like girl on girl, others like a good threesome and there’s always the old S&M stuff. Whatever your choice in movies, one thing that is always desirable is the girl looking like she’s having a good time.

Brunette happy blowjob

Brunette happy blowjob


Blondes and Fun

Friday, August 26th, 2011

There are a lot of old myths, wives tales and superstitions about exactly who in this life gets to have the fun, or most of the fun. Well today, thanks to the amazing, prolific and always at the ready Internet and the Free porn videos, we all get to have fun. And we all get to have as much fun as we want to whenever we want to.


We have all heard all of the old ideas about who gets to be popular and exactly what they should look like. For the longest time, the idea that blonds have more fun was stressed by a hair dye company in an effort to obviously sell more hair dye. But for some reason the idea stuck and people began to believe that if you were blond, your life would be more exciting. You would have more dates, have a better job, and just generally spend your time fighting off scores and scores of desperate admirers that were desperate to be with you.

And let’s not forget the idea that girls who wear glasses don’t get passes. This one, as you can probably guess, was made popular by someone who wanted to sell contact lenses. Not too hard to figure out. So the commercials showed the most ragged looked women wearing their glasses and being ignored. Then, miraculously, once they had contacts, everyone wanted them. Yes, of course they did. Because in addition to getting their contacts, they had dropped thirty pounds, gotten fabulous clothing, a new hairstyle and were now wearing makeup.


For whatever reason, a lot of these strange ideas keep cropping up, mostly from the marketing departments of firms trying to sell products to us. But there is one thing we can be certain of. When we are using the adult entertainment websites online, we all get to have fun. Even if we have brown hair and glasses, we get to have fun.

Free Porn Hotter?

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

We certainly can get free porn more frequently. We certainly can download lots of pirated stuff and we certainly can look far and wide for clips or full movies somebody else has listed on their website that we can gobble-up for just the click of a mouse. We certainly have lots of options of a healthy variety of stuff to choose from and can probably answer any submerged kink we have with at least one or two downloadable titles we can view to scratch a particular itch we might have at any particular time.


But is all this access, all this free porn really any hotter than porn we pay for?

As porn companies try to battle to rising tide of their movies being watched for free, they compete in various ways, the least of which is to produce higher quality content that you can only ever buy on DVD. Protected in the same way downloading information from CD’s is protected, porn companies know that they are presenting the very best they can on these discs and even though audiences must pay, they hope that viewers will to take to wanting the superior product.


Some people do, some people don’t.

It seems that convenience to some people is really what’s hot, not so much quality or uniqueness of the porn. In fact as more stuff becomes readily available or easy to produce it could be argued we are being exposed to material of such a lesser quality that after time our sensibilities erode. That over the years we don’t notice when free porn is not really good porn and that we will simply think all porn is hot when it’s free because…it is.


It used to be the cream floated to the top, but these days there is no top, really. The net has subverted models of doing business as well as ways to get product and services-not just dirty movies-and there really is no saying where the business of porn is heading and if free porn might end the business of porn after a time.

What It Is and What It Isn’t

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Sometimes one of the hardest but most important things that we can do is to be honest with ourselves on any topic that comes along. Exploring all of the available Free porn, dating sites, or sites devoted to hookups on the world wide web can be a blast as long as we keep things in the proper perspective.


Just like with anything else in our lives we have to try to keep a grip on ourselves. Does that attractive guy that we see out occasionally and often take home with us for some midnight fun like having sex with us? Sure. Does he want to be our boyfriend and wine and dine us and spend time at our family functions or in a committed relationship? Umm, no, not at all. It is always important to keep in mind what something is and what it is not in any given situation.


Yes, we can surf all of the free porn sites that are available to us on the Internet that we want to for as long as we like and as often as we like. We should do so and enjoy each and every one of them to their absolute fullest. Are we going to meet the porn stars on the street by accident and fall madly in love with each other like a celebrity or a rock star? Probably not, sorry to break the news, but we can all certainly look and enjoy all that we like.


There are plenty of dating sites, however, on the Internet with real live people on them that we can actually meet and get to know and possibly go out on a real date with. You never know who you might meet out there on the Internet, so go with an open mind, an honest attitude, and realistic expectations and your possibilities will be exciting and endless.

Anxiety is the Enemy of Fun

Friday, August 5th, 2011

Many people that would just love to enjoy the Free porn videos and adult entertainment available on the Internet simply feel a bit too nervous to give themselves permission to have some fun. But really, what useful purpose does denying yourself in this way serve?


A lot of us tend to get derailed sometimes by the many unrealistic expectations of the so called pillars of our society. If we hear it often enough, some of us start to believe that the only people who enjoy pornography are creeps, freak, weirdos and perverts. We watch scandal after scandal on the nightly news where someone has taken a sexual photo of themselves and the whole world as we know it seems to almost burst into a ball of flame. People do not admit to liking porn and feel a certain pressure to gasp and sputter and publicly denounce those who do. It takes a lot of work, all of that righteous indignation, and it is a front that has an exhausting cost of keeping up on a daily basis.


All of that anxiety that this produces can be a killer. We all know that anxiety causes all sorts of various discomforts, diseases, and generally adversely impacts the quality of our lives, so let’s just decide to forget it already. Let’s cut directly to the chase, here. A lot of people like to watch porn, and there is nothing, again nothing, whatsoever wrong with that. Getting yourself all caught up in our society’s silly and plentiful rules will get you absolutely nowhere except ticked off and frustrated for a while, whereas just relaxing yourself and enjoying what you want to enjoy will make you happy, stimulated and sexually excited. All of those dopey rules will still be there when we are done enjoying ourselves online so it is best just to let them go.


The choice between anxiety and fun should truly be an easy one.

Will .XXX Domians Take Over the Online Porn Industry?

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) – the Postmaster General of the internet, has given ICM Registry the contract to run the new .XXX domain, a decision that have some people excited and others thinking it will oppress the online industry.


The change will mean Free Porn sites like can now buy They are not forced to, nor do they have to give up their old domain if they do. However if they don’t, it will allow another company to pick up the name and create an impostor website.

The majority of the Adult Entertainment Industry is against the formation of the Triple X domain because they are worried it will force the adult industry into a corner, if Porn websites are forced to use the .XXX, they are afraid it will fence them off to the rest of the internet. Such a move would only impact legal Adult Video sites as illegal sites don’t follow any rules anyway, and also give people the false idea of security.

On the other hand, some of the public believe it will make Sex Videos more accessible, but even Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has been quoted saying the idea stems from a “lack of identified public benefit”. Certain governments such as India’s and Indonesia’s have come out to say they will block all .XXX domain names. The oppression of the internet in the Middle East and Asia has already made millions of people pour into the streets to rebel against their governments over the last few months.

The truth is the biggest benefit will come to ICM Registry, who will make a fortune selling .XXX to existing porn sites to ensure someone else won’t snatch it up.


Wither you believe this will help or hurt the billion dollar Porn industry, it will not effect the amount of money that will change hands over the new development, a small boom within the Adult Industry.

ICM Registry claims to be “a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicating to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet’s unique identifiers” and has 230,000+ domain’s in reserve.