Blondes and Fun

There are a lot of old myths, wives tales and superstitions about exactly who in this life gets to have the fun, or most of the fun. Well today, thanks to the amazing, prolific and always at the ready Internet and the Free porn videos, we all get to have fun. And we all get to have as much fun as we want to whenever we want to.


We have all heard all of the old ideas about who gets to be popular and exactly what they should look like. For the longest time, the idea that blonds have more fun was stressed by a hair dye company in an effort to obviously sell more hair dye. But for some reason the idea stuck and people began to believe that if you were blond, your life would be more exciting. You would have more dates, have a better job, and just generally spend your time fighting off scores and scores of desperate admirers that were desperate to be with you.

And let’s not forget the idea that girls who wear glasses don’t get passes. This one, as you can probably guess, was made popular by someone who wanted to sell contact lenses. Not too hard to figure out. So the commercials showed the most ragged looked women wearing their glasses and being ignored. Then, miraculously, once they had contacts, everyone wanted them. Yes, of course they did. Because in addition to getting their contacts, they had dropped thirty pounds, gotten fabulous clothing, a new hairstyle and were now wearing makeup.


For whatever reason, a lot of these strange ideas keep cropping up, mostly from the marketing departments of firms trying to sell products to us. But there is one thing we can be certain of. When we are using the adult entertainment websites online, we all get to have fun. Even if we have brown hair and glasses, we get to have fun.


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