Free Porn Hotter?

We certainly can get free porn more frequently. We certainly can download lots of pirated stuff and we certainly can look far and wide for clips or full movies somebody else has listed on their website that we can gobble-up for just the click of a mouse. We certainly have lots of options of a healthy variety of stuff to choose from and can probably answer any submerged kink we have with at least one or two downloadable titles we can view to scratch a particular itch we might have at any particular time.


But is all this access, all this free porn really any hotter than porn we pay for?

As porn companies try to battle to rising tide of their movies being watched for free, they compete in various ways, the least of which is to produce higher quality content that you can only ever buy on DVD. Protected in the same way downloading information from CD’s is protected, porn companies know that they are presenting the very best they can on these discs and even though audiences must pay, they hope that viewers will to take to wanting the superior product.


Some people do, some people don’t.

It seems that convenience to some people is really what’s hot, not so much quality or uniqueness of the porn. In fact as more stuff becomes readily available or easy to produce it could be argued we are being exposed to material of such a lesser quality that after time our sensibilities erode. That over the years we don’t notice when free porn is not really good porn and that we will simply think all porn is hot when it’s free because…it is.


It used to be the cream floated to the top, but these days there is no top, really. The net has subverted models of doing business as well as ways to get product and services-not just dirty movies-and there really is no saying where the business of porn is heading and if free porn might end the business of porn after a time.

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