Sex Porn Dictionary





Abortion is the termination of pregnancy, prematurely (before the baby is able to live on their own), and is either spontaneous, natural, or induced. It is often performed by licensed doctors, at least in the United States, and should not be attempted by an amateur.

Abortions have saved hundreds of thousands of men hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and child support, not to mention dignity. They have prevented children from growing up in loveless families, dangerous environments, or growing up disabled or handicapped. Women who have been raped may also choose to abort the child because they cannot bear to raise them under such horrible beginnings (See: Law and Order: SVU). These are the most common reasons for abortion.

There are many people who do not believe in abortion. Why, you ask? Because these (often religious) fruitcakes believe that God made all life and abortion is murder. They support the idea that a person’s life begins at conception rather than with their first breath out of the womb. These people also vow to remain a virgin til their wedding night so it isn’t a surprise that they don’t understand that sometimes two people can’t keep it in their pants and happen to spawn.

Whatever stance you may take on abortion, please understand the pros and cons. And if you have a bun in the oven now, weigh your options before you reach for the coat hanger or stand at the top of the stairs. Or if you’re young, try out for the show Teen Mom and maybe you can make a buck or two from your drunken mistake of your life.

1. My mom always told me she should have had an abortion instead of having me. Makes me feel great about myself!

2. I knocked up my girlfriend before I knew she was against abortion. Now I’m in it for life.


Baby Batter

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