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Robotism is sexual attraction to the use of robots during sex play. Remember the scenes in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie “The 6th Day”? His buddy, played by Michael Rapaport has sex with his very own cyber sex slave! She’s gorgeous and only wants to pleasure him. Plus, she never gets older, never talks back, and has a servo-pussy that he can adjust to the desired tightness. Sounds pretty good to me. Can’t wait until I can pick one of those up at Wal-Mart!

Movies and sci-fi fiction are responsible for most of the robotism in the world today. Some of the hottest robots in recent cinema are Tricia Helfer and Grace Park in “Battlestar Galactica”, Summer Glau as a terminator, and that hot Bjork video for her song “All is Full of Love”. So, nerdy guys and girls see those hotties acting like robots and they think, “Damn, I needs me some of that there robot lovin’!”

For a cheap method of enjoying some robotism, just wrap your spouse’s limbs and midsection with some tinfoil. Ask them to talk like Steven Hawking. Then bang away. IF it really turns you on, you’ll have to go to the local costume shop and spend a little more money to make it more authentic.

Someday very soon we’ll all be able to have our own robot to fuck. She/he can look like whomever we want. Why would anybody ever leave the house?

1. Harrison Ford has a bad case of robotism in “Blade Runner”.

2. Robotism is better than hobo jism.



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