Sex Porn Dictionary




Roman Shower

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A Roman Shower is the act of vomiting or spewing on partner for sexual pleasure. Based on the old Roman feasts where the guests would eat until they puked, it is a messy fetish that should only be done on rubber sheets or in the tub.

The most common method for having a Roman Shower is through oral sex and the stimulation of the gag reflex. Most women, when a cock begins to activate the gag reflex, will stop the oral sex. People who are into the Roman Shower keep going until she pukes all over the dude’s cock, balls, legs, and wherever else he’d like it.

It’s hot, it’s wet, and it’s smelly. But then, so is a vagina, when you think about it.

A man who vomits onto a woman’s vagina has performed what is known as the New York Style Taco. Only real men continue eating the taco after this procedure has been accomplished.

I’ve never purposely vomited on a fuck friend, but I have accidentally puked on a one. I was nailing a bar slut doggy style and I guess I had too much to drink. Before I knew it, I had hurled up all over her back. She freaked. Can’t blame her.

She ran into the bathroom. I went in and she had jumped into the shower. I joined her and apologized. I assured her that it was an accident, and that it wouldn’t happen again, if she still wanted to have more sex. She told me that the thrill was gone. Something about looking back and seeing my chunky puke sliding off her back turned her off, she said. I told her I understood. It was a bummer.

After she left, I went back to the bar and picked up another slut. They’re everywhere. We went back to her place since my sheets were wet and smelly. I managed to not vomit for the rest of the night. Almost did in the morning when I saw the slut without my beer goggles on, though.


If you’re into piss and shit play, maybe the Roman Shower is the next logical step. After that, the grossest thing left to do is to snot rocket into her asshole. Then fuck her until you cum. Pull your cock out with snot, feces and cum on it. Then she pisses on your dick, and then sucks it until she vomits. Then you both make out.


Consult your physician before doing any of this freaky shit.

1. While Rick was visiting Rome, he hired a whore. She asked him if he wanted a Roman Shower and he said sure, thinking she just meant he had to bathe before they fucked. That’s not what she meant.

2. Beth and Janice were excited to try piss and shit play while they were tripping on LSD. While Beth wrote “SLUT” on Janice’s back with a hunk of poop, she accidentally gave Janice a big Roman Shower. Janice loved it.


Golden Shower



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