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Circumcision is the act of removing the foreskin of a penis. Shit, when you define it like that, it almost sounds reasonable. How would I define it? I’d add adjectives like “unnecessary”, “barbaric”, “mutilating”, “bullshit religion”, and “traumatizing”.

Something like this: Circumcision is the unnecessary and barbaric act of mutilating the penis because of bullshit religion, which causes a traumatizing effect on the baby.

Parents, leave your boy’s cock alone. It’s fine the way it is. You’ll teach him how to wash his dick properly, so don’t give me any lip about “cleanliness”. If you really think that circumcision is a good idea, just wait until your boy has developed a basic vocabulary. Better yet, wait until he’s thirteen. Yeah – all you Jewish parents out there –I dare you to make circumcision part of the bar mitzvah. See if little Ishmael wants to get the tip of his dick sliced off because you say God told Moses it had to be that way.

My guess is he’ll forgo the presents at the bar mitzvah if he gets to keep his wiener intact. I know I would.

But my parents didn’t give me that choice. They took a helpless little baby, perfect in every way, and arbitrarily cut off a piece of his dick. THAT’S MY DICK, MOM AND DAD! CUT YOUR OWN DICK IF YOU’RE SO GUNG-HO, DAD. SNIP YOUR CLIT OFF MOM, IF YOU CAN WALK THE WALK!

But no. They figured, oh, he’s just a baby. He won’t remember. But I do remember. As though it isn’t traumatic enough to be ripped from the warmth of the womb, but the first thing you do to me is cut off a piece of my god dam dick?!?! Fuck you. FUCK YOU.

As you can probably tell, I am anti-circumcision.

When I was old enough to realize what had been done to me, I asked my mom and dad about it. They had three reasons for me. The first was that it was a decision based on religion. We were a Roman-Catholic family. I laughed and told them that if they were willing to only go to church once a year at Christmas, why weren’t they willing to ignore the circumcision part of religion too? Then they said it was because my dad was circumcised and they wanted the same for me. I told them that I would be stopping the cycle of mutilation with my boy, and they should have done the same. Then they told me it was because it was “cleaner”. I explained that I knew how to use soap and water, and had since I was four. They didn’t want to talk about it after that.

So yeah. Fuck circumcision. Let your boy decide when he’s old enough to make an informed decision. Deciding for him is just plain wrong.

1. Circumcision is a symbol of God’s covenant with Abraham. You’d think God would be more loving than that.

2. Fuck circumcision.





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