Archive for the ‘Porn Studios’ Category The #1 Porn Site on the Web

Monday, August 30th, 2010

There are a variety of porn sites online that claim to offer free porn from high quality sources, yet most of it seems to end up being largely made up of grainy 80′s footage of spangled blondes on patios. Those of you who still rock out with your cock out every morning to Van Halen could probably care less about the new porno. However, porn sites like are supplying those hungry sex deprived individuals a nasty new selection of the hottest fuck action around.

Ranging in a variety of categories, you can find anything from black monster cocks, asian midgets and indian foot fucking. There is a plethora of pussy POV’s that will make you wipe the pussy juice right off your own tongue. It’s a wild and wonderful world online, and is one step ahead of the pack.

The ability to quickly scroll through thousands of videos using detailed keywords, and categories can help the most finicky fucker find the videos that will make them blow a hole through their levis. There is always a great addition to the site every couple of days so that those who are regular visitors won’t get bored. The ability to keep up to date with the porn industry might seem like a characteristic of a hardcore porn junkie, but there are a fucking army of anal devourers that need their updated videos of the highest quality gapes.

If you are in the mood for more extreme porn, you can find that too. Fetish categories will leave you slightly scared and stimulated, depending on how sick who consider your tastes. High budget studios such as Brazzers and porn stars have lent their material to, filling it with top notch fuck films. They have even created a ‘do it yourself’ porn program, that allows you to create some funky shit. Don’t spend your night trying to find better sites, because this is where its at. The guys at try they hardest to make you your hardest, and its not an easy job.

Mark Wahlberg Working on Movie about Porn Industry

Friday, August 20th, 2010

Could it be possible? Please let it be true, NOT…..well partially true! It looks like the pant dropping stud that is Mark Wahlberg, is trailing back to his Boogie Nights days as inspiration for his next project. In the 1997 film Mark was portrayed as a male prostitute and porn star who worked and lived during the ‘golden era’ of adult film in the seventies and eighties. Flash forward thirteen years where Wahlberg is currently working on a new movie, that will portray the behind the scenes look at the porn industry in Los Angels. The movie will be based in LA and focus on a porn company that’s trying to make a name for itself, while competing with other top porn websites. The project has yet to be confirmed as a film or drama series, and is still in the early writing stages but the buzz is out, and people are excited to see what Marky Mark will come up with.

Wahlberg, who created the television series Entourage based on his real life as an actor living in Hollywood, is not new to working behind the scenes as director and producer. In fact, he has teamed up with Entourage’s executive producer Steve Levinson to work with his porn inspired movie, distributed by HBO. This should be interesting, maybe Mark will make a cameo and flash us his Dirk Diggler cock! James Frey, a writer for the soon to be flick was asked about the project, saying: “We’re going to make a sprawling epic about the porn business in LA. We’re going to get all the types of stories no one else has told before, and go places no one has gone before.” I’ll be looking forward to the “release”!

3D Porn Without the Plot

Friday, June 4th, 2010

This is great because I think my whining a lot of the time contradicts itself. And this will only prove that point. With the oncoming wave of 3D porn almost upon us, at least one company has said “Who needs a story? It’s 3D!”


Attack of the Baseball Sex Tape!

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

A lot of times I find myself in the precarious position of sitting atop the fence of moral dilemma. And if you know anything about me at all, it should be that I’m clumsy as fuck. Another sex tape controversy. Another “cease and desist.” Another celebrity who’s not going to be able to battle the Almighty-VividKraken.


Elegant Angel is BACK!

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

After 7 years of not making features Elegant Angel has come back with a BAM! POW! BOFF! vengeance; “Pornstar Superheroes,” a comic book-style action picture touted by the company as one of its biggest adult film productions ever.


Vagazzling Comes to Porn!

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

This was only a matter of time.

The fine art of Vagazzling. We can all remember hearing about  Jennifer Love Hewitt letting the speckled goose out of her shorts, and ever since then the world has taken notice. Including, our very own porn world.


ABC Nightline’s Asks “Why Would You Pay For Porn?”

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

And no, this story does not feature Johnny Depp or Aaron G.

Ahhhh piracy in porn. Why pay for something when you can get it for free? That has been the question to plague industry cattle reigners for the last 15 years. When pontificating upon adult entertainment and its marriage with the internet, one must remember that porn figured out how to make money on the web before anyone else did. So it stands to reason that we should continue to lead the trend forever.


Vivid Entertainment Offers John Mayer a Porn Job

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Vivid Entertainment? I swear they are fast becoming the TMZ of the adult entertainment world. Not so much in a “get-in-your-face-and-cause-you-to-beat-a-photographer” sort of way. But a fun, “they-definitely-don’t-take-themselves-too-seriously” kinda vibe. And I gotta admit…(here it comes, a lifetime of ridicule)…that John Mayer is one funny fucker.


Octopussy 3-D coming soon March 2010!

Monday, February 15th, 2010

What’s so awesome about 3-D? Avatar, Up!, My Bloody Valentine (12 minute full frontal 3-D nudity no less!) and the upcoming Alice in Wonderland are a few ideas! So it only serves to purpose that porn, which has always led in regards to technology, would step up and take advantage of the newest cinematic craze!


Conan Fields Porn Offer

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Ok so sometime ago you will recall that I just about blew a stitch off my skirt over the Conan / Leno thing. Yeah yeah I know it was a little silly. My wife got tired of listening to me bitch about it too. Actually…if you must know, it now turns out that we fall on separate sides of the late night fence, as it were.

But that’s another story.
