Sex Porn Dictionary





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DTF stands for down to fuck. Which obviously just means that you’re ready to have sex. You’re ready to fuck your significant other’s brains out. Or whomever you’re with.

Here are the main reasons why you should try to be DTF on a regular basis:

a. Fucking is a GIANT stress release. The world is a stressful place. We have stressful jobs. Most people have anxiety disorders or depression issues. Pretty much everybody has family issues and stress and dysfunction. We’re all super paranoid about how we’re going to successful feed, clothe, and support ourselves. If you have kids, your stress level is automatically bumped up substantially. When you’re DTF, then you can take advantage of that stress relief that is orgasming with another person rubbing up against your lady bits or man junk.

b. Being DTF allows you to practice being spontaneous. This will naturally bleed over into other parts of your life, which will result in an interesting and exciting existence. When you’re a spontaneous person you can get more out of life and can experience greater pleasure in the present.

c. Sex connects people. If you’re often not down to fuck, you may be missing out on a really crucial connection with your partner. While sex is obviously not the only important part of a relationship, it is one major way that allows the two of you to be intimate with each other. In many relationships sex is only shared between the two individuals in the couple (because they are monogamously committed) so you kind of have to commit to being DTF most of the time. It’s not really fair to the other person if you’re withholding. Like, obviously you don’t have to say yes every time, and there are definitely mitigating factors that can stand in the way, but whenever possible, say yes!

d. Sex releases endorphins. This is especially good for those of us who suffer from depression, but also just as effective for those who are simply having a down or frustrating day. Even if you don’t feel like it at first, force yourself to get into it. Like, not in a way where you feel like you went against what your body wanted, but allow yourself to get lost in the other person for a little while. Those endorphins that get released from the exercise and activity involved combined with the sexual arousal will be a fabulous endorphin boost.

e. Sex is a fabulous escape. There’s nothing better than chewing away at a nipple and hearing a woman moan to keep you out of your head. We focus so much on what we’ve got going on in our lives that sometimes we just forget to be in our bodies.

1. My boy’s DTF all the time. Last night I got home from my job at the dump and he threw me down on the bed and licked my grungy tits.

2. You’re DTF. I can tell by the way you stuck your penis in my vagina and started thrusting.




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