Sex Porn Dictionary




Dirty Sanchez

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When fucking a woman doggie-style, insert a finger in her anus so that it becomes coated with the residue of ass juice and fecal matter; then, as you approach climax, wipe your dirty finger across her upper lip, under her nose, so as to approximate the appearance of a mustache.

The practice is named in honor of his eminence Cardinal Rodrigo Manchado Sanchez, who was extremely fond of performing it, so much so, there are reports of him performing the act on brides in his dressing room prior to their weddings. He derived a particular thrill from seeing the glistening shit stain on the brides’ lips when their wedding veils were lifted, and knowing that the grooms would have to smell it, and perhaps taste it, when they gave their new wives the ceremonial wedding kiss.

Other reports claim that Sanchez would wear a “dirty Sanchez” on his own lip while saying mass on special holidays. Before Cardinal Sanchez, this act was called the “Dirty Hoover,” after former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.

1. Gina was so drunk last night, she didn’t notice the Dirty Sanchez I gave her until she woke up this morning.

2. I was planning on breaking up with Kathleen, but I wanted to get one more fuck in before I let her go. I didn’t want her to leave empty handed, though, so I gave her a Dirty Sanchez as a going away present.


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