Sex Porn Dictionary





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Vaginismus is a condition in which the vaginal muscles contract to the point of making penetration difficult or impossible. This is the result of involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. The woman doesn’t have control over this, it is an involuntary pelvic response. For some women this means that intercourse is painful and results in a burning or stinging sensation. For other women, intercourse is very difficult or next to impossible.

There are two types of vaginismus. The first is known as ‘primary vaginismus’, and this is when a woman has never been able to have pain-free intercourse do to the muscle spasms. She may be unable to wear tampons or have pelvic (pap) exams. Some are even unable to consummate their relationship. The other type of vaginismus is known as ‘secondary vaginismus’. This is when the condition develops after a particular experience, often some type of medical condition, traumatic event, childbirth, surgery or life change (menopause, for example).

Vaginismus is considered to be highly treatable. There are self-help approaches based on research, which include 10-step processes that are practical and hands-on, so to speak. Women who experience this condition shouldn’t feel hopeless.

Having said that, it’s rough. Not being able to get a cock or a vibrator or a fist or a friggin TAMPON inside you. It’s rough on your sex life, rough on your self-esteem/self-confidence, rough on your relationship with your partner (if you’re in one), rough on your relationship with yourself and kinda gives you an unfortunate outlook on sexual experience. And it can be physically problematic. If a woman knows she’s going to experience great pain if she has a pelvic exam, she may be considerably less likely to have that exam. This can open up all kinds of possibilities for cancers (we all know that early detection is eighty percent of the battle) undetected STIs and other health concerns.

While in this day and age, the internet provides us with multiple resources as we self-diagnose, including articles, research, access to experts and even support, this may be an issue that some women will be too self-conscious or anxious to deal with. So if you’re reading this and have experienced pain during intercourse, find a good sex-positive doctor to talk to.

1. When I had vaginismus it made everything from sex to using tampons to getting pap smears next to impossible. But I joined the Vampires for Vaginismus league and now I’ve found other ways to increase my sexual appetite that don’t rely on vaginal penetration, including such practices as biting, drinking blood and developing blood-related fantasies while enclosed in my coffin. Give it a try, your sex life could improve overnight!

2. Okay, so yeah vaginismus can technically affect all kinds of women, but in reality, it only affects hard-up douche-canoes like Sarah Palin who cling to their republican status to detract the fact that they can’t get a dick or a dildo inside their pussies when they really need one.




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