Sex Porn Dictionary




The Vagina Game

The Vagina Game is a game that one plays when on a road trip. The object of the game is to think of movie titles and replace one word with the word ‘vagina’, i.e. Honey, I Shrunk the Vagina. It is a classic game that can entertain everyone in the car for hours. There are some amazing movie titles out there that make great vagina titles. Like The Hunt for Red Vagina. The Vagina Locker. Vagina State. The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Vagina (or, The Eternal Vagina of the Spotless Mind). In the Land of Blood and Vagina. Vagina Wars. Lord of the Vaginas. And so on.

This game will guarantee to keep you snorting pop through your nose due to hysterical laughter. It will also make that boring prairie scenery just a little more lively. Combine this game with occasional Savage Love pod casts and you’re set for your trip.

The only downside is if you have kids. Young children are like sponges and they just love to repeat just about anything their parents say, especially when it brings out a particular response. Your child is much more likely to say cock or pussy or cunt nugget if that is your general response to someone cutting you off on the highway. So just be aware that your kid is likely to start inserting vagina into just about every sentence if you play this game around them. Consider waiting until they’re asleep or perhaps slip a little vodka into their bottle. This will knock them right out.

Another downside is when you’re traveling with your in-laws. No matter what anyone says or how cool your in-laws actually are, they do NOT want to play the vagina game with you. Even if your father-in-law is a hippie and your mother-in-law teaches women and gender studies and is all sex-positive. This will only make the car ride seem much longer than it is and will fill it with long awkward silences.

Really, this game is best shared amongst close perverted friends or simply between you and your lover. The nice thing about it is that sometimes it can be the jumping off point for a little road trip car sex.

1. I love The Vagina Game. Mostly I love fingering my vagina while we play the game. Sometimes my boyfriend fingers me while he comes up with popular movie choices.

2. I accidentally played The Vagina Game with some friends while we were stuck in traffic. My three-year-old daughter was asleep in the back seat, or so I thought. Turns out she heard every word she said. Now her favourite thing to say to everyone, including the guy who bags our groceries, my boss, the other kids at daycare, the woman who stopped to admire her adorableness, my dentist, her grandparents (my in-laws), the minister at Christ Church, and puppies, is ‘My mummy just LOVES The Hunt for Red Vagina. She thinks it’s the best movie ever!’




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