Sex Porn Dictionary




Jerk Off

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Slang for masturbation, i.e. punching the munchkin, waxing the bishop, pulling the goalie, beating the meat, choking the chicken, rubbing one out, whacking off, jacking off, wanking, self love, self abuse, boxing the Oscar, cuffing the carrot, flogging the dolphin, romancing the bone, pounding the pud, jerkin’ the gherkin, belaboring the obvious….

I can’t go on.

I’ll go on.

Yanking the Yoda, cocking the rifle, dating Mary Fivefingers, jackin’ the beanstalk, kneading the knockwurst, oiling the pogo, flopping the flounder, one-armed skiing, milking the one-eyed snake, I think you know where we’re going with this.

This term can also be used as an insult. When you call someone a “jerk off”, you are calling them a jackass, i.e. an asshat, a doofus, a chumpstain, a fuckwit, a nitwit, a nincompoop, a dip stick, a mook, a mark, a palooka, a blockhead, a bonehead, a shit head, a halfwit, a twit.

You get the picture.

1. When I get home from work, I like to jerk off and forget what an jackass my boss is.

2. My boss is a jerk off.




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