Archive for the ‘Anti Porn’ Category

Winona County Declares War On Porn

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Middle America is known for its right wing political agendas and overly keen interest in private citizen’s bedrooms. In Winona County, Minnesota, county commissioners have taken their meddling to a new level, announcing a “clean hotel” policy that forbids county employees from staying in hotel rooms that offer pornographic movies. While Winona County only employs 334 people, this latest ban goes beyond the small community and violates the civil rights of its employees.

By attempting to control what their employees consume in their private lives by banning porn in hotel rooms, Winona County is opening up an old debate. Unfortunately, they aren’t sticking to the rules either, claiming that porn leads to sexual assaults despite evidence to the contrary. Pornography, a medium enjoyed by nearly every citizen in America, has never been linked to negative activities in viewers. In fact, many studies show that porn enhances the sex lives of its viewers, and many types of porn are used therapeutically in patients with erectile dysfunction.

This is simply another instance of political propaganda taken too far. Thank God for the internet, where free porn is prevalent and the citizens of America won’t be persecuted for enjoying a goof fuck or fisting to help them relax after work. Hell, the citizens of Winona County are clearly in need of online porn to cheer them up in light of this latest ban. Let’s hope they bring their laptops to hotel rooms around the country so they can enjoy top quality adult entertainment on sites like

Wanting to Fuck Sarah Palin is a Patriotic Duty

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Hustler has just a released a compilation porn video, taking the best of the Nailin’ Paylin franchise. It features hottest porn star on earth, Lisa Ann, who has played Sarah Palin or “Paylin” in several movies now: Who’s Nailin’ Paylin? (2008), Obama is Nailin’ Paylin, Letterman’s Nailin’ Paylin, You’re Nailin’ Paylin (2009) and Hollywood’s Nailin’ Paylin (2010). You can check out some of Lisa Ann’s greatest hits on

There was also talk of a Tiger’s Nailin’ Paylin, but it never materialized – unfortunately, that sounds like a fun one.

The compilation is called Sarah’s Going Rogue. Nice title.

The mega popularity of the Nailin Paylin porn series begs the question – why are people so interested in imagining Sarah Palin getting fucked. She is not a bad looking women and, by politic’s standards, she is smoking hot but there are certainly better looking babes out there. Why not a porn parody franchise of say Snooki for example.

What is it about Sarah Palin? I think it’s because she is conservative and religious and would never be in a porn, nevermind do any position but missionary. It’s the idea that miss goody goody, family values would be, in truth, a horny slut. This is what attracts us.

But it’s more than this. Palin threatens us – those of us who not only watch porn, but do so openly. I mean we don’t do it at work or when you’re kids are around, of course. But you don’t act like you don’t do it. And you are pretty sure that we could be less uptight about it and society as we know it wouldn’t crumble. If people like Sarah Palin had it her way, you couldn’t even look at porn. There wouldn’t be porn – not legally. These Republicans are all for freedom, except when it comes to sex. Then they want us to live in the sexual middle ages. Palin represents this better then anyone, partially because she just never shuts up, but partially because she is hot, because we would like to fuck her, but she won’t let us – in the large social sense, we can’t fuck her, we can’t watch porn openly, we shouldn’t even be allowed to fuck our wives doggy style without feeling like a pervert.

Parody and satire have always been a peaceful way to attack your opponents – and so we hurt Palin where it hurts – in the pussy by degrading a look alike. And, you know what, it feels great!

Anonymous Blogger Fired for Writing About Sex

Monday, May 24th, 2010

A single mom who worked for COMPANY X by day and wrote a sex blog anonymously at night, has been fired from her day gig after company execs demanded all employees be given a thorough “google” search.


Lindsay Lohan Takes on Role of Linda Lovelace

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Tabloid attention whore? Check. Hot mess on the clubbing scene? Check. Never ending supply of TMZ fodder? Check. Going to PRISON soon? CHECK. Next movie role lined up is a portrayal of adult film icon Linda Lovelace? Checkity check check. Ladies and gentlemen, the new Lindsay Lohan!
