Sex And Viking Terror

During the time of their reign there was nothing more terrible than the vikings. One of the reasons why they struck such fear into the hearts of men at the time was not only for their fighting prowess and fearsome reputation but also for their reach. They were everywhere and it seemed that no place was safe. Many fled inland when their raids touched the coasts of their lands but soon even that did not bring safety. The key here was the viking long ships. These ships were designed in such a way that their construction allowed them to seek passage up rivers as well as travel over rough seas. This meant that vikings could take passage up river and by that route strike deep inland. It became no exaggeration that truly, no where, was safe. What many do not readily understand or indeed have even heard of is the viking penchant for cleverness. The vikings treasured a clever ruse as much as a brave warrior facing his foes openly.


They treasured and valued a keen mind and a sharp wit as much as they did a strong sword arm. If a man could successfully bring down a raid with few casualties and little bloodshed it brought as much glory to his name as did a great battle. It was also cheaper too and cost less in terms of manpower, energy and money to replace casualties taken to hire new swords. This naturally meant that you could extend your reach and raid even more, which meant, more booty. Rape was also one of their tools and seizing the local pussy and making off with the women to fuck them and make them their own lessened the morale of any would be defenders. So in its own way Sex served a greater purpose beyond just Sex for it’s own sake. It helped spread the viking terror and bring them more victory, with fewer stiff opposition. This in itself was a sort of cleverness.


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