Sex And Home Repair

It used to be that most if not all of your home repair shows were all hosted by men. This has changed in recent decades as shows have turned to the Sex appeal of women to boost ratings and increase interest in the business. It’s also due to the broadening of women in a singles situation who need to know how to rely on themselves to build and repair their homes. This consequently has increased interest in women and thus spawned more women with Sex appeal in the business. Now it’s quite common to find numerous shows hosted by and featuring female builders and contractors, carpenters and plumbers and everything else associated with home repair.


It hasn’t hurt things either that there are a lot of men who watch such shows who quite obviously imagine themselves fucking some hot sexy show hostess helping them build their bedroom. In reality there has probably been about as much fooling around as there is anywhere else men and women congregate but these women know their stuff and any man who wants to get anywhere with them should probably brush up on their skills. It’s doubtful that they are push overs as so many might imagine them to be. It requires years of on the job training to acquire the skills necessary to even have a show much less a very popular one.


That’s why these women take their work as seriously as the guys, if not more so because they have more impressing to do. It’s the same anywhere you go in any industry, women have to work very hard just to get approval. Now with the great new examples provided by some of the greats, women can enter the home repair business and find as much success in it as they can work for. It would seem based on ratings that the guys don’t seem to mind this a bit.

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