Porn And The Ancients

Have you ever heard of Priapism? Priapism is a medical condition affecting a man’s cock to where he has a permanent erection- you can read about Priapism here in our sex wikipedia. His dick stays hard not because he’s horny after so much pussy but because his body is malfunctioning. Inside the cock there is a tube which allows a man to urinate, but that same tube is also used to ejaculate. What happens is that within the body there is a gate which controls and allows fluids to enter the penis. If you have to pee the gate opens allowing you to do so, then later if your getting horny it opens to allow blood to flow, and then get off.


The problem is that for some guys the gate doesn’t reopen and allow the blood to leave and thus his dick stays hard, painfully so. This can not only be painful but also threatening to his health. The reason this condition is called Priapism is because it’s roots go back to ancient Rome and the Roman god Priapus. Priapus was a fertility deity who was always pictured as possessing an enormous and always erect penis. They would honor him with various statues and always with his enormous package showing for all the world to see. Imagine seeing a statue of a nude man with a humongous engorged dick and his stony hands stroking it and brandishing it luridly in a public area. Imagine the tops of fences, or hand rails shaped in the form of the head of a penis. Imagine it being considered good luck to rub the cock before entering or leaving a building. In today’s world this would clearly be considered Porn but in their world it was considered almost holy and sacred. It certainly wasn’t looked at as Porn or dirty in any way.


There were statues of people copulating and other things which to our modern sensibilities would easily fit the definition yet for them it wasn’t the act, but rather the light within which the act was shown. Some today would agree, but most just call it porn.

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