Holding Passive

One of the tactics best used by the man or woman wanting to get laid is to hold themselves passive. This will work only in certain situations and one must know how and when to work action through inactions, a certain suave demeanor of inertness, but hiding one’s libido in plain sight, not revealing our lusts or need does serve us well in circumstances where we come face to face with the object of our affection and need to be cool about what we want from them; is what we want is mainly sex.


Some single people are just more naturally assertive, sexual and flirty then others. These folks can sometimes use this naughty style to their advantage; more often than not they are dating more than anyone else and enjoying the fruits of their seductions. But reputation more than any real attractiveness sees us through many a situation and there will come a time we need to remain cool to get hot.


None of us are porn stars so we should not truly think we need to act like one to get close to someone we adore. There is a fine line between seduction and desperation and once one crosses over into the other one has a hard time getting back! What we should employ more often than not, whether talking to an intended paramour or emailing someone across a dating site is our style as it fits us but does not put off anyone else. We can be sexy without being sexual, flirting and fun without being creepy and most of all let someone know we are interested in them without coming across so horny that we simply can’t wait until we get them into bed.


No one wants to be perused to the exclusion of all other interactions but at the same time we all want to feel wanted. The petard we often swing from is giving too much too soon or not enough over a long period of time, either exhausting our lover with our need or boring them with inattention. It is hard indeed lying in wait as much as it is pouncing, finding the right balance between being on and turning off, revealing our need and seeming indifference. Being passive is just as much effort as being aggressive.


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