Have More Sex


A lot of people don’t realize that having sex has a lot of health benefits, and the vast majority of people don’t realize that fucking and having an orgasm can boost people’s immune system quite a bit and make them much more healthy and resistant to illnesses that are going around like the common cold and flu. Studies have shown that just having sex once or twice a week will increase the body’s production of a lot of healthy antibodies and hormones that boost people moods, immune systems and well-being.


Frequent sex has a lot of health benefits, including burning calories which helps to lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight. In addition to that, it is an aerobic exercise, which is good for the cardiovascular system. It’s also a great stress reliever, and it boosts self-esteem. Unfortunately for the ladies who may use this excuse, sex can actually help get rid of headaches. It helps reduce pain, and the release of endorphins can help temporarily relieve cold and allergy symptoms like stuffy noses. Certain hormones that are released during orgasm actually help people to sleep better and reduce insomnia.


The same hormone that makes people fall asleep after sex is also the hormone that makes people feel attached to others and more intimate and trusting, and it’s often referred to as the ‘Love Hormone’. Those increased feelings of intimacy are very beneficial for happiness and feeling centered. A lot of people probably think that the feelings of intimacy come solely from touching another person, because what’s more intimate than touching someones boobs or genitals? What can be more intimate than a long, deep kiss? Well, science has proven that even though touching does produce emotional feelings of intimacy, there is actually a hormone that is released in our bodies during orgasm which causes those feelings as well. Feeling intimately connected to another human being is very beneficial to a person’s mental health and well-being, because most humans want to feel connected to others, to feel as if they belong and are a part of some sort of community. Feelings of intimacy with another provide all those things. Because of this, a healthy sex life can also help to alleviate feelings of depression and sadness.


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