It’s 2011, Let’s Accept The Sluts

Most men seem to be pretty clueless when it comes to dating. They get on a computer and find the online personals and forget any sense of manners or decorum, and then they seem surprised when the women seem to be largely disinterested at best and hostile at worst. They often seem to want to jump right in to talking about sex and then start having sex really quickly, totally skipping the getting to know you part that most women are expecting. Men seem to use sex as a way to determine if there is compatibility, but women often feel that they don’t want to have sex unless they feel there is compatibility. It’s a perfect example of the whole Mars vs. Venus thing that we’ve heard so much about for years now.


Dating is always kind of confusing for everybody, but it sometimes seems especially difficult for people of opposite genders simply because they communicate completely differently and they think and reason completely differently, so what makes sense to one doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to the other. Sometimes it seems like a miracle that anyone is ever able to get together. Some of the dating websites offer articles and quizzes specifically designed to help people identify better relationship matches for themselves by matching personality types and explaining some of what’s going on in each gender’s heads to help them achieve better, clearer communication.


One of the problems with the man’s approach of jumping straight into discussing sexual topics is that women still have to worry because there still a double standard regarding sex. Men are still expected to have sex whenever possible, and women are still viewed as sluts if they have sex too soon. Unfortunately, there are still men out there that will dump a woman that has sex with them too quickly in spite of the fact that they’ve been pressuring the woman for sex the entire time and trying to seduce her. When they succeed too quickly they decide that the woman is a slut and they end the budding relationship immediately. It’s pretty confusing for most women, and it doesn’t help women feel any better about men and their motives when dating. It’s time for everyone to grow up a bit and start being more open and honest and stop judging each other.


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