Sex Lingo For A New Generation

In this modern age of social networking, Twitter and free porn today’s generation is quickly making us all feel ancient by using some lingo that we are completely oblivious to. Words like ‘bankability’, and ‘carpe datum’ may sound familiar, but they have taken on an entirely new meaning. At the risk of sounding like an old man, I have developed a list of some of the most recent sex terms used by our youth. Knowing them will be sure to score you a few points with the kids – or just make you look a lot hipper.

Dec. 7 - Sex Lingo For A New Generation

Dance Floor Erection (or DFE) – Given the popularity of reggaeton, dancing is not quite what it used to be. In fact, modern age dancefloors look more like dry humping zones than anything else. Because of that, a couple of smart kids decided to come up with a name for a common problem whle ‘in da club’ – dance floor erection.

“Don’t stand too close to Johnny, he has a DFE”

Half-Night Stand – The shorter version of the classic one-night-stand, this one involves leaving your fling before they even wake up. A classy move everyone should try at least once.

“Morning! I just got got back from a half-night-stand, that slob wouldn’t stop snoring”

House Booty – A popular terms amongst scholars, a house booty stands for having sex with someone within your circle of friends (same dorm, class or major).

“I finally managed to score some house booty last night”

Hungry Mungry – A term used for those who love nothing more than to perform oral sex (aka. cunningligus).

“That Johnny is one hungry hungry!”

Sexpel – This term involves kicking someone out of a dorm of frat house for engaging in sexual relations in a shared room.

” That’s it, one more orgasm and he’s getting sexpelled.”

Stride Of Pride – A reference to the walk home after a night of sex. More commonly known as a “walk of shame”, this one consists of walking tall and proud.

“I decided to stop by Starbucks during my stride of pride.”

What Would Grandma Say? (WWGS) – A term used to make young adults think about their actions with some added concern. After all, there’s no better way to knock sense into people’s heads than by bringing up their grandmothers.

“Are you sure you want to sleep with her Johnny? What would grandma say?”

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