The Finite Allure of Role-Play

Most of the time sexy, sometimes endearing, always interesting, role-play is the stuff of many a long-term couple’s sex play as well as a new date’s way to seduction. We are all actors inside, the entire world is indeed a stage, and we do adopt roles even when we aren’t aware of it. Doing so specifically to turn-on a partner or to turn-on ourselves, many men and women adopt personas, dress-up and literally attempt to become other people to facilitate a bigger, better and sometimes kinkier sex life.


It’s sometimes a very tenuous difference between how we act in real life and how we playact, but the difference is important to recognize. The problem with any playing as an adult is that it can hurtle good taste, common sense and propriety. As we do not want to adopt our weekend-warrior touch-football mentality into our 9-5 corporate existence, we don’t want to grovel like the little doggie we pretend we are for our master or mistress on a Saturday night; there literally is a time and place for everything. Heightened senses of sexual need does not the best judgment make, so erring on the side of a specific time and place for our role-playing as well as the time and place it ends, is prudent to keeping the role-play fresh and exciting and our dignity intact.


Simply put, the longer we stay in character, dress in the specific clothes, speak in the patter and do all that the role-play allows and demands the more time is on our back, the less possibility for variety there is and the deeper the risk we run of one partner slipping out of the play or the need for it before the other. The very aspect of what fuels the fun or reacting to our lover in this way is that we know this is play, maybe answering a fetish, routing round a kink we do not indulge normally.


A vacation is only a vacation because we come back from the beach and get on with the drudgery of our real life after a prescribed amount of time. Our brains do not work well pretending all the time, we grow stale, bored and will light out for ever more diversions if we are not brought back to the mundane realities of our lives and face the real people we are in a relationship with after a time.

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