Acceptance Of Kink


There are a few fetishes that make people feel a little bit squeamish because they’re a little edgy or seem kind of gross to some people. Kinky people usually try very hard to respected each other and not judge someone’s else’s kink, but sometimes when something seems really disturbing it can be a little bit difficult to be open-minded. One thing to remember is that there are people that would find our kink disturbing, even if it seems like a rather mild kink to us. There is always someone more vanilla or more mainstream who may judge us because what we like may seem extreme to them. When we remember that, it can sometimes make it easier for us to treat other people with respect and be less judgmental toward other people, especially when we stop and remember how it makes us feel when it happens to us.


The good thing is that mainstream vanilla people seem to be getting more accepting of kink, fetish and alternative lifestyles. It’s becoming more visible, and not always in a bad way. There are still crime shows where someone gets killed and further investigation ends up showing that it was either a murder in a dungeon or an accident in a dungeon and the show goes on to examine the slimy underbelly of society that is BDSM clubs, or at least that’s how the vanilla writers like to portray the kink community. There are other outlets though, like music videos by various artists that clearly show BDSM as attractive and sexy. Mainstream vanilla people may not be getting more accepting of BDSM, but they are at least probably getting a little bit desensitized to it. That’s not an entirely bad thing. If they see something kinky and don’t bat an eyelash over it, they will probably leave kinky people alone a little bit more and accept kink as some normal part of life for some people and not a bad or dangerous thing.


While most kinky people really don’t want any vanilla people nosing about in their business, most would also agree that it wouldn’t hurt for the BDSM crowd to be more accepted and less judged by people who live a more mainstream lifestyle. That what most people in the world want; to be accepted for who they are and not judged.

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