Targeting Premature Ejaculation

Whether you can’t even bring yourself to finish your favorite porno or your known as a one-minute-man, premature ejaculation can be a real pain in the ass. While Viagra can help you prolong your erection, it wont necessarily help when anticipated orgasms are concerned. As an attempt to extend your performance in the bedroom, read on for a list of tips on how to last longer and leave your partner smiling and satisfied.


1. Acknowledge The Problem – One of the first steps in dealing with premature ejaculation is acknowledging the problem in the first place. In 2009, a medical conference in Paris defined premature ejaculation as the result of men who can’t last more than one to three minutes of sex before climaxing. This parameter was defined due to pressure from the pharmaceutical industry, which required an objective criteria in order to come out with medication targeting the problem at hand. As for the medical criteria, it is far less specific. Most doctors claim that anyone who can’t bring themselves to last as long as they’d want to is already suffering from premature ejaculation, so take that for all its worth.


2. The Usual Suspects – Despite doctors not having a concrete explanation for what causes premature ejaculation, studies lead them to believe that it has something to do with a man’s genetic build. Research indicates that the center of an orgasm, located in the brain, is far more sensitive in those suffering from premature ejaculation – making them ‘be over and done with’ a lot faster. But despite some men showing signs of a “sensitive spot” on the brain, that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t be able to last longer than their effected counterparts.

3. A Means Of Defense – Most men will tell you that at some point or another, try as they might, they can’t get a woman to orgasm. When that happens, they might be inclined to simply bring themselves to cum and call it a day. As a result, the woman will complain and think that her partner is not giving it his all. The next time around, the same thing is bound to happen. Women will blame men for their own lack of orgasm and if they’re already predispositioned to premature ejaculation, this is bound to further enhance his problem. So remember, before turning to a doctor, consider the possibility that your sex partner could have something to do with it.


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