Homemade Sex Toys

When free porn is simply not enough to get us by, we can often to resort to sex toys to have our cake and eat it too. Given our current economic state, however, spending a lot of money on a rubber dildo or cock ring isn’t always a pliable option. With that in mind, we have decided to play Martha Stewart and give you a list of homemade sex toys that will leave you wondering why you didn’t think of using them sooner. Often disguised as everyday household objects, these nifty little devices are also orgasm inducing. Who knew?

Jan. 11 - Homemade Sex Toys

1. Washing Machine – Also entirely interchangeable with a dryer, all you have to do is hop on during the spin cycle. Don’t believe me? Just look at it this way, the vibrations produced by your battery operated ‘Rabbit’ have nothing against a device built to tumble a significant amount of pounds in clothes. I rest my case.

2. Electric Toothbrush – Yes, perhaps it’s not the most sanitary thing in the world, but an electric toothbrush can certainly lend a helping hand in a pinch. Either use an old one or be sure to use the opposite side – always removing the actual bristles.

3. Mobile Phone – I’m sure you’ve heard jokes about it time and time again, but a mobile phone – much like an electric toothbrush – works because it vibrates. And when you don’t have a specific device for getting off, I suppose a cell phone will simply have to do.

4. Bathtub Faucet – Who needs shower heads when you have a faucet? Simply lay down, open your legs and let the water do all the work. Far more sanitary than an electric toothbrush (and mobile phone, for that matter) and you’ll actually walk away squeaky clean and fully satisfied.

5. Back Massager – Despite most women trying to pass off their vibrators as “back massagers”, things can actually work the other way around. Despite being a little too big for penetration, merely touching it to your nether regions will be enough to make you squeal. You’ll never go back to traditional sex toys again.

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