Online Flirting: It’s All About The Lips

Dec 15 orgasm.com1We all know that it’s incredibly easy for guys to fuck things up when they’re trying to flirt with girls. It actually takes a lot of brains to come up with the right lines and we’ve realized that the women we come into contact with are a lot harder to crack compared to the easy and cheesy lines that actually work when we watch the guys picking up the gals in free porn.

One of the most recent surveys conducted in the world of online dating and flirting has found that the absolute best internet chat up line for men to use is: “You have beautiful lips.”

According to the director of marketing from a predominant online dating service, he says, “we have found the Holy Grail of flirting.”

The research analyses the success rates of opening lines from about 200,000 online flirtations in 11 languages over the course of one month to come up with the “compliment success index.”

The users on the site were asked to use one of 12 different chat pick up lines. Each one complimented a part of a woman’s body or appearance, from her tits, to her hair.

The research measured the success rate of each line in two different ways: first, their success of creating any response at all; second, their success at launching a longer conversation. Which means one that goes back and forth at least four times- and that’s a lot for some of these poor bastards!

When it came down to it, complimenting a woman’s lips was the most successful overall. When it came to Dutch and Portuguese women, they mostly preferred: “you have beautiful ears”, that just goes to show how weird they are!

“What many women want is for men to take the initiative and not be wishy-washy. A lot of men on dating sites send a sort of generic message and women recognize something that hasn’t been customised for them.”

According to David Givens, the author of the book, “Love Signals: A Practical Guide to the Body Language of Courtship” said the results totally made sense because women tend to focus a lot of attention on their lips.

“From adolescence onwards, they cosmetically adorn their lips, applying lipstick and colors. They have been doing so since ancient Egypt.”

So guys, you want to get a date or you want to get fucked, you know what to say; anything that has to do with her lips should get you what you want!

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