Why Men Like Blondes With Big Tits – The Scientific Explanation

Have you ever wondered why women with long blonde hair, big boobs and and light eyes are often perceived as the creme de la creme of the gentler sex? Well, it seems that evolutionary psychologists have finally tracked it down – and it has a lot more to do with science than free porn influences.


For starters, big tits and large waist-to-hip ratio (the classic hourglass shape) are indicatives of fertility. As for blonde locks, researchers found that it’s simply better at hiding pesky grey hairs – thus making a woman look a lot younger. And since most men look for a young partner in order to better spread their seed, this selection process seems only natural.

In regards to blue and green eyes, studies have shown that they are simply better at displaying pupil dilation, which happens when a person sees something that they deem exciting. Therefore, a man can quickly determine whether-or-not a woman finds them attractive – saving them a whole lot of time and hassle in the courting process. How’s that for dating advice?

Researchers were also able to determine that the more beautiful a woman is, the more chances she has of having equally-beautiful babies. And what man doesn’t want good-looking offspring? Attractive women are also known to have more children than their plain Jane counterparts, which provides men with a higher chance of making as many babies as possible – though that it definitely up for discussion (calling all dead-beat dad’s).

Studies like these allow us to get a clear-cut perception of why men act the way they do. At the same time, we must look into the fact that the more men decide to have sex with beautiful women, more beautiful women will then be born into this world – not a bad trend if you ask me. And upon further inspection, one is bound to wonder if men are, in fact, sexist pigs, or if they’re just looking to spread their genes in the most efficient way possible. I’ll go with a little bit of both.


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