The Many Forms of Spiritual Sex

Sex can be largely a physical activity, though women primarily tend to believe it should be a spiritual, even sacred experience. Our responses to the emotional commitment that sex brings can reveal a lot about a person and their views on sex. Some of us view our bodies and sex for that matter, as sacred beings. Some people may become aware of their own potential through the healing that this affirmation brings.

Despite the potential that spiritual sex offers, there are fundamental ideas that are relevant universally. A lot of naive porn addicts would offer us an insight to the manipulation of a person’s perception on sex. In the west, we tend to diminish sex until it’s merely an act of hot fucking and orgasms. Understanding the basics of spiritual sex will allow us to begin to see sex as sacred rather than profane relationship.

Throughout history, attitudes towards sex have changed as cultures have continued to evolve. The pornofication of society that we are currently experiencing illuminates the importance of performance, technique and instant gratification, and the potential of sex as a sacred form has been long since acknowledged.

The most famous version is tantra, which emerged from Asia around 1400 BC. Tantra is founded on the belief that we can access the divine through sexual ecstasy. Nearly all religious traditions are infused with sexual symbolism, some even embracing sex as an act of engaging god. Despite the myth that religion tells us to primarily abstain from sex, even archbishops have suggested that accessing god through the body’s grace is a significant religious experience.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams was quoted as saying, ‘To be formed in our humanity by the loving delight of another is an experience whose contours we can identify most clearly and hopefully if we have also learned or are learning about being the object of the causeless loving delight of God.”

Some of us may have already experienced divine states during incredible sex – some that surpassed the physical enjoyments we normally experience. We should all strive to find a healthy balance between watching free porn and engaging in some righteous fucking.


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