Strip Clubs Get Ready for the Republican National Convention

The 2012 Republican National Convention (RNC) is coming up and we all know what that means: porn stars and strip clubs. No, seriously. The RNC is taking place August 27-30, 2012 in Tampa, Florida and hosting 2,286 delegates and 2,125 alternate delegates from across the country. This is along with over 15,000 members of the press all converging on the city of Tampa. So what does this have to do with porn stars and strip clubs? Read on to find out….strip-club-strippers-pole

It turns out many of the city’s strip clubs are anticipating a surge in clientele with all the extra bodies in town. Both Tampa Gold Club & Scores Gentlemen’s Club & Steakhouse are reported as remodeling in advance of the convention. Tampa Gold’s renovations include a private side entrance specifically built for those who don’t want to be seen entering a strip club but can afford the $750/hour private room that entrance takes them to. Many strip clubs are also apparently stocking up on fine wines, champagne and cigars in preparation.


Thee Doll House may have taken the cake, however, for best Republican-themed idea. The strip club has reportedly scheduled Lisa Ann, star of Hustler’s “Who’s Nailin Palin” series, to feature dance for two nights during the convention. Yes, Republicans can spend the day with Sarah Palin and then watch her porn doppleganger take it all off on stage at night. In fact, the strip club is even offering reduced admission for people with press credentials for the RNC and free admission to senators, house members, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton’s cigar and Barack Obama.


Dammit, why do the Republicans get to have all the fun?


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