Modern Bisexuality

Bisexuals often have trouble being accepted. It wasn’t so long ago that any sexuality about from heterosexual missionary position sex designed to procreate was considered an aberration. Though put against the whole of human history, it is obvious that open sexual behaviors were common before modern repressive civilizations, we still think of the modern marriage as the normal way of relating. Is this really the most normal and natural human arrangement?


Bisexuality has been popular at various times in the past. In some societies with less rigid definitions and therefore more free sex behaviors, bisexuality was the norm, or sex roles were defined in completely other ways such as the Native American two spirit or the Romans who defined it based on who received penetration and who gave it, regardless of the gender of the people practicing the actions — though a woman in a strap on would certainly have raised some eyebrows. In modern times it saw a brief popularity among the glam rock world, infamous for mythic liaisons between the likes of David Bowie and Iggy Pop. Perhaps human sexuality is more fluid than we thought.


In modern times the confusing behavior of celebrities like Tila Tequila could be argued to back this up. She became infamous for having a reality television relationship show except that she was having both men and women compete for her affections. This went for two seasons of this behavior before she declared in 2009 that she was completely lesbian. Does this mean that she was lying all along? Instead it may suggest that human sexuality is fluid and may change over a person’s life, though the degree to which gender affects the expression of these kinds of queerness is still open for debate in some circles.


Whatever the case it is clear we cannot simply define sexual behavior as a binary either or, with people clearly being straight or completely gay and remaining so all their lives. For many the truth is somewhere in between.

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