Getting Our Sexy Back


Sometimes people get really busy in their everyday lives. Between work and family, it can seem pretty difficult to find any time at all to focus on ourselves. If a couple has children, it gets even more difficult with school, homework, sports, scouts and a ton of other extra-curricular activities that take up most evenings and weekends. It’s no wonder that people have trouble finding the time to relax or distress. It’s even less surprising that couples may have trouble finding time to have sex. Even just finding the time and energy to simply feel sexy is probably a bit of a challenge most days.


The problem is, feeling sexy, attractive and desirable is one of those things ‘use it or lose it’ type of things. If people don’t make the time to feel good about themselves and feel sexy, they’re not going to feel that way. The good news is that it is something that we can get back anytime we want to put the effort in to get it back. One big step to feeling sexy again is to start acting sexy. Women need to let their inner sex kitten out for a romp. They should pull out their prettiest panties and bra and their sexiest dress. Try wearing stockings and a garter belt instead of pantyhose or bare legs; whichever makes them feel the sexiest. If they add a pair of fuck me shoes and take time doing their face and hair, they’ll feel like a million dollars, and that’s a step in the right direction. Guys need to call upon their inner stud and start feeling like the million dollar man again. For guys, it’s not always about the clothes, but working out and getting strong and toned again if they’re out of shape can make a huge difference in how they feel about themselves. Feeling strong and muscular can really make a guy feel sexy again, especially if women are checking them out. The other big thing that a couple should do to start feeling sexy is start having sex. Make the time, find the time, and start having sex regularly again. Having sex is always the best for people to make themselves and each other feel desirable and sexy again.


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