Yes, I Will Have Another


We all walk around with our personal little miracle of joy. Orgasms are good for your heart, they are the natural enemies of depression and fill you with contentment instantly. It is a joy that can even be shared between friends. Best of all the coming, heart rate amping-up, shaking and sweating have no ill side effects at all. There has been allotting of pressure in the past to prove that there is. Happy to say it is all bunk. As late the nineteen fifties where we were being fed the foolishness that if a man spent too much quality alone time his life was getting shorter by years each time he indulged. And women were told that petting the precious pearl of pleasure at all would make them hysterical and eventually lead to madness. The last medically preformed removal in the United Stated was performed on a woman in the late 1940’s. In the not so distant past people where told pleasuring themselves could lead to physical and emotional ruin by doctors not just family members or church leaders.


Well the good news is that it is just not true. The facts show just the opposite in fact so feel free. Reduce stress; get a little cardio, and just plain feel good. Try making a date with yourself some time. Slip into a hot bath full of silky bubbles or stretched out in bed with your favorite sex video. If you are with your lover and just to whipped to have sex you can always offer to hold them and say sweet, hot things to them while they pleasure themselves. Here is a hint, pay close attention to how they touch themselves. You will learn allot I promise. Listen to your body give it what it asks for. If you care enough for yourself to cut back on red meat and go for more walks take the time in the evening to give yourself pleasure just the way you like it. You will cut back on the sleeping pills and wake up with a smile.


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