A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Think of how people must have marveled in amazement back when photography was first invented and what a delicate and arduous process it must have been for a photographer to produce even one picture of someone captured forever in a moment in their particular time. Imagine if those same people could experience the explosion of the Internet of today with all of the Free sex, porn and adult entertainment that is available to each and every one of us every second of every day whenever we desire to look at it.


If every picture is truly worth at least a thousand words, then every movie ever made must be worth at the very least millions and millions of words. Every movie has no less than thousands of images connected together in a specific order and rapid succession, each conjuring up its own set of responses and feeling in us as we watch our screens rapt with attention. Sometimes certain complex and intricate movies can become overwhelming when the images collide and overlap in a random or hectic manner with a lot of cuts.


As much as every pimply face high school boy has definitely gotten out of poring over a centerfold in a porno magazine for hours and hours locked in their cars or bathrooms, we need to multiply that reaction by thousands when we put that same awkward teenager in front of one of the professionally done porno films found easily and quickly on the Internet.


We as a society are constantly barraged by so many different images when we go online that we have to be at least a little bit careful to try and pace ourselves, lest we risk becoming desensitized and sort of numb and immune to the wonderful selection of porn that exists on the world wide web.


Yes, every picture is worth a thousand words, so go slowly, we will never run out of material.

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