In Praise Of Masturbation


Even though this is a world now of smart phones, computers, and the internet far too many men and women still have the erroneous thoughts and beliefs that masturbation is somehow either wrong or not as ‘good’ as sex. But nothing could be farther from the truth: time and time again scientists, doctors, and sex researchers have proven that nothing, at all, negative can come from masturbation. It will not ruin anyone for intercourse, it will not make anyone gay, it is not wrong in any way shape or form.
The church might condemn it, but they do so only knowing it feels so good!


While people can believe what they want, by stigmatizing people who masturbate or by telling young adults and kids that it is wrong all that is happening if keeping them from having a happy and healthy sex life when they are older or, even, by telling adults that it is wrong as well. Medically there is absolutely nothing negative that can happen from a man or a woman masturbating. None at all. In fact, scientists and doctors have found that people who say that they do not masturbate or who put themselves or others down for masturbating often suffer both emotional as well as even physical effects because of it. The emotional problems are obvious as these people feel bad about something they simply cannot control and so deny themselves pleasure because of some misinformed opinion but there are also physical effects as well as it has been proven that men, for instance, who do not masturbate regularly sometimes develop prostate problems and can even have problems such as premature ejaculation simply because they are not used to any kind of erotic stimulus. Many men, in fact, who do suffer from premature ejaculation are told to practice masturbating to learn how their body responds to sexual and erotic stimulation.


So if you masturbate and feel bad about it try to remember that masturbation is a simple and safe and best of all healthy form of sexuality and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking ourselves in hand, solo or with a lover watching. Releasing sexual animus, not to mention fluid makes the body work better and makes for a more peaceful mind.


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