Sexual Fantasies Made Real

tumblr_leld1vHQ5e1qdgd5bo1_500There are some who do not realize that some fantasies are meant to be just that, fantasies. Not everything you see while watching free porn is something you are meant to do yourself.

Some of these sexual fantasies are not supposed to be fulfilled and when you figure that out you will live a much happier life.

For instance it may be one of your premier fantasies to fuck the bosses wife or daughter, but upon reflection one can clearly see where this might not be the best course of action even should said wife or daughter want it.

One has to think things through and figure that although the wife or daughter might want it, it is a situation that easily turn ugly and disastrous to say the least, very quickly.

What if the woman suddenly decides that you can do things for them, what if something goes bad and they become an enemy rather than a friend. These are all very realistic possibilities and you could coerced, or exploited, blackmailed or worse. These are all just as possible as your actually getting that piece of ass from them. There is no piece of ass regardless of how good it might be that is worth all the trouble and disaster that could ensue from such an encounter. There are many reasons why such a thing would be a bad idea. So when you simply realize and accept the truth of a thing you will be much better off.


Besides, that leaves room for a great deal of other fantasies you can make happen. A threesome with the right partner is always a possibility as is perhaps making your own porn movie with your partner. There are a lot of things you can do to really spice things up without crossing a line you may well regret. Not all our thoughts will lead to good kink magic, or any magic at all! It is simply a good sound plan to always evaluate and consider things well before you dive in and try to make them happen.


If you play smart, you will have a much greater reward than if you simply did things with little consideration beyond getting your rocks off and giving in to greed. Greed will be your undoing every single time.

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