Blame It On DNA

In a study conducted by SUNY it has been discovered that about half of the population carry a gene that makes them more promiscuous. A variant of the dopamine receptor, the DRD4 gene will lead people to have more random sex seek out more one night stands and engage in more acts of infidelity then people who do not have this particular variant of D4.


Known as the thrill-seeking gene, DRD4 is responsible for addictions; influencing an individual’s brain chemistry and behavior to such a degree the thrills one might seek could put them in financial peril as well as destroy home lives. Where before an individual who engaged in the very worst actions for him or herself, or the victims left in their wake had no clue to bad behavior, now there seems to be a reason why half of the population act as badly as they do!

It seems the desire to cheat on one’s partner or gamble originates in the brain’s pleasure and reward center. A rush of dopamine motivates the more vulnerable men and women who have the particular DNA variant and the cause-and-effect consequences carry higher a significance for these individuals. Fucking random partners or betting one’s paycheck on a roll of dice thrills these people in ways others will not enjoy.


Singling out bad behavior, as a flaw in one’s genetic make-up will no doubt curry favor with reprobates while the idea fall under criticism from church-groups. Being able to blame aberrant, even sometimes destructive actions on simple DNA coding, in affect disavowing all responsibility for simple directives one cannot no more stop or change, will seem to some as a way to excuse bad behavior. Still others, those with the obvious DNA variant, might indulge their actions even more, consciously or subconsciously, seeing as they know there is no clear way they can stop themselves from acting the cad.

Will it be more the cart leading the horse here? Will a cure be developed, even sought? Or for some will knowing the root of all their philandering be enough to keep their cocks as well as their wallets in their pants?

And are there simply those men and women who do not have this DNA difference, who still act wanton and self-indulgent simply because they like risks and are generally horny?


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