Senior-Citizen Brothels

As an approach that goes hand in hand with the recent rise in popularity of ‘old people porn’, Germany has taken a bold stance in favor of prostitution catering specifically to senior citizens. As off-putting as it may sound, the elder still need something to look forward to; and what better treat than good old fashioned sex?


The initiative stems from one of Germany’s biggest luxury brothels, Artemis’. Their Berlin based “wellness center” in Charlottenburg will now feature senior-citizen friendly amenities like shower seats and larger changing rooms for those who use wheelchairs. There’s nothing like fucking a hooker with a side of conscience.

One of Artemis’ spokespeople recently spoke to Berlin’s Tagesspiegel newspaper in order to further publicize their efforts in catering towards the elderly. He boasted their “helpful personnel”, staff members who were specifically trained to help older customers and encourage a positive experience. He added, “It is important for us to show that Artemis is properly equipped for these clients”.

This trend is only bound to spread throughout the rest of the country. Given that prostitution became fully legal back in 2002, over 150,000 sex workers are now officially registered with the government. This means that despite having to pay taxes, they are now given full welfare benefits, including health care. Despite that, it is estimated that over 250,000 call girls remain on the black market. I guess they really don’t want to have to pay their taxes.

According to Stephanie Klee, a “veteran” call girl, prostitution is now so common-place that they are becoming more specialized than ever. In fact, some retirement homes have even started to offer these types of services on the side – what a way to die old and happy.

Statistics show that approximately 20% of Germany’s 82 million population consists of senior citizens. Given their increasingly low birth rates, it’s clear to see that in a country where everyone keeps getting older, all services should be catering to the elderly, not just prostitution.

Expect to see senior-citizen specialized services springing up just about anywhere. From the sex toy industry to an increase in elderly porn. Where there’s demand, there’s profit. And the sex industry knows that all too well.


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