Tits Needed

It’s a simple equation that if a human being begins to loose weight, in a healthy manner, they will loose fat. And breast tissue is fat. A woman begins to loose weight; she will loose some size in her boobs. If she is dieting and exercising correctly, she will see better proportion and good health. If she decides too loose too much weight, does not exercise, she will see sagging and stretch marks.

This is the bane of the modern Hollywood actress.


Somewhere along the line the paradigm shifted from the voluptuous hourglass figure of a woman with wide hips and ample tits to skinny girls starving themselves to a danger point. Somewhere along the line dangerously skinny women were considered beautiful by Hollywood standards and actresses followed suit to the model of what they thought they must look like. Ignoring the fact that they were-are-putting their health in danger, these ladies continue to lose too much weight, lose their natural form, put themselves in jeopardy and counter the ravages of the new look-even if they were unaware they are doing so-through augmentation surgery, Botox shots, nips and tucks.

Buying ever-larger breast implants a woman can theoretically loose as much weight as she wants and still keep her bust line. In effect a cart-after-the-horse approach, a woman loses weight and her boob flesh fat but then hires a doctor to replace just specifics of what she lost! Not just porn performers and strippers but now the modern day actress, and the countless women influenced by her, has a cut stomach, no hips-certainly no round ass and two ice cream scoops for tits and a drawn face.

The modern day beauty is a self-made modern-day Frankenstein of unnaturally large boobs, hairless cunts, permanent make-up and even bleached assholes.

Human beings are the only animals who can alter their environment to suit their needs. In doing so many would argue we have done more harm then good to that environment. Now we have become the only animal that can alter our appearance to our specifications with a hubris that defies logic and one’s own health. Our own bodies will tell us when we have gone too far in our passions, when we eat too much we will gain weight, starve ourselves we take on the pallor and stick-and-bones appearance of the emaciated. But these days women or every social stratum can ignore the evidence of their eyes, buy body parts and pieces, or at least fantasize about doing so, to ignore the obvious risks they are taking to their health.


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