Where Has All The Good Written Smut Gone

For the writer of smut; the scribe of the sexy; the wordsmith of wonderfully wacky cock-rising fair, where does he or she place his stories and poems to entice ever newer audiences. With magazine readership dwindling more each day, Kindles and other digital book readers ever more the rage, the porn writer finds ever more outlets for his dirty words in the digital world and with fans who will continue to scour the globe for what gets them off.


On the Internet and in e books, the naughty writer is publishing short stories, novels even comics for a readership that has never really left written erotica. It is just that now that the world is so specialized and every need, thought and kink can be compartmentalized and a newsgroup found to address if, there are just more specific places for people with specific sexual thoughts to find each other and the art made just for their interests. By word of mouth, testimonials and reviews placed in blogs or on sites, if one person has even the smallest little kernel of interest in one small little fetish, he or she can find something written on it!

Not that erotica will ever meet the masses. It will always be the red-headed stepchild of more literary fare simply because it speaks to our more prurient interests and even the classic in the genre like Tropic of Cancer and others will always be considered lowbrow works of art in a world where erudite critics feel they need to pan art that gets readers ready to have sex.

But who we are is built around our hopes dreams, triumphs and failures as much as our kinks, sexual longings and masturbatory dreams. We can no more deny the urges we feel and the need to express our pleasure over them or the questions we have about them then we cannot not expound over love, war and politics, all the highbrow subjects critics think worth remarking on.
From the very first minute man could record the world around him, even through Puritan times and artwork scrutinized by church and state, even in the most remote corners of the globe and the most sexually repressed societies, man expressed and will continue to express his most prurient thoughts and fitful sexy daydreams attempting to understand his heart as much as his loins.


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