The Orgasm Guide To Water Sex

For those who’ve tried it, you’ll know that having sex in water is not as easy as it looks in movies and porn. In fact, “submerged” sex can be incredibly dangerous for women. When looking to get wet and wild, follow these tips in order to ensure that you’re not putting yourself, or your partner, in any sort of danger.

The first thing to consider when having water sex is that condoms are significantly less effective underwater. Hot water and chlorine can have serious impacts on a condom’s durability so know that if a jimmy-hat is a necessity; perhaps it’s best to stay on dry land.

Oct. 22 - The Orgasm Guide To Water Sex

Also, don’t be quick to assume that just because you are surrounded by water, that you don’t have to worry about lubrication. Instead, water actually washes off any sort of moisture you may already have – making for an uncomfortable sex session. As an alternative, consider a non water-soluble lubricant like silicone.

For those looking to get busy in a pool; think again. Having chlorine rushing in and out of your partner’s vagina is the fastest way to infection. As for the bathtub, the same applies. Not only is it a tight squeeze – pun intended – but having soapy water inside her is bad news. Stick to the shower. That way, you’ll still get to be wet and have sex at the same time.

If you plan on getting busy at the beach, remember that salt water and vaginas don’t exactly mix. Consider engaging in some foreplay while floating around, and then take matters elsewhere. When it comes to water sex, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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