Strip Club Scholarships

I can vividly remember back to Grade 12. All my friends and I were deciding on which Colleges to apply to and what we should major in. It’s a pretty hefty decision hence the fact that their is at least $20,000 riding on a 18 year old high school student.

I remember feeling bad that my parents had offered to pay for my tuition; that’s a lot of money! And even worse, I had friends whose parents couldn’t afford to pay for their college so they had to either hope for a scholarship (which was unlikely since I hung out with the stoners) or get a loan from the bank.

Too bad I wasn’t a student nowadays because it would be a lot easier to get some fast cash at 18, if I threw my morals out the window, that is.


There is a new law in Canada that prevents strip clubs from hiring foreign dancers, so club owners (in Windsor, Ontario to be exact) are being forced to find a way to entice local talent and they’ve come up with THIS; scholarships to girls who want to dance at their club and attend school at the same damn time.


So, not only are the girls making mad cash dancing on table tops, but they are also getting a scholarship on top of it all. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!

Girls that maintain a B average can receive as much as $1,700 on top of their normal wage and tips as part of this program. They will also receive travel money and any help needed to perfect their routines which includes costumes, hair and makeup.


Seeing as a lot of college women in the states turn to porn to help pay for tuition and books, maybe should follow this brilliant idea of strip club owners. We could offer scholarships to actresses; they get the help they need to get through college, we sell some content, and then ya’ll get to watch it. Sounds like to perfect equation to me.

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