Porn & Politics

The media would like us to believe that the better portion of Americans are hitting the streets to cause a ruckus in the name of politics. In fact, voter turnout in America is at an all time low, and many are having trouble choosing which candidate should lead the free world.

Perhaps it is comforting to know that men are a little more prone to get political if they know that means a possible “win” for their own member. Two psychologists have recently claimed to have found a pattern between the American states which backed a winning candidate and the number of search requests for porn on the internet in that state.

In 2004, upon George Bush’s alleged “win”, rates of internet porn usage in the states that backed him surged. In comparison, states that supported John Kerry saw decreases. Remarkably, the same results were found in the 2008 election that featured Barack Obama and John McCain, as well as in the 2006 congressional election.

The study was conducted by Patrick Markey and his wife (who remains anonymous) – both psychologists interested in political phenomena. In an online interview Markley was quoted as saying, “If we saw this just for one election, you might chalk it up to chance, but we saw a pattern with it happening three times. It’s also cool that we saw these results with both Republicans and Democrats — that these were general results not just driven by one political party.”

The results may be indicative of more than just one political party being sexually active then another. Men aren’t usually prone to sudden masturbation sessions upon a successful victory are they?

Apparently, the husband and wife super team stumbled on their findings after working on studies involving testosterone levels. Related studies have shown extreme levels in testosterone, high or low, result in differences in sexual behavior.

American states which voted strongly for McCain in the 2008 elections had significantly lower levels of free porn consumption. Obama voters fared a lot better when he successfully won the election, causing a massive spike in online porn usage among the strongest states.

“We don’t know for sure if testosterone is the reason why we are seeing these changes in porn-seeking behavior, but it seems like the best explanation at the moment,” said Markey.
The only thing left to wonder is which party watched teen cheerleader sluts, or anal avengers.

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