Lady Gaga Gets Free Porn

Lady Gaga is known around the world for her sex status and activism for sexual rights. Recently, Gaga made quite an impression while touring though North Carolina, and got an offer that most of us men could only dream of due to the fact that she happened to visit a few porn shops on her week in the town.

During her performance, she told the concert audience how impressed she was by the XXX stores she had visited earlier in the day, it even inspired a new song for her next album. Her comments have already become a youtube sensation online, boasting hundreds of thousands of views.

Her remarks didn’t go unnoticed by local business owners however. A leading porn distributor in the area has offered Lady Gaga a year worth of high quality porn of all sorts. Knudsen from AEBN network made the following comment to the celebrity sex star: ”We think she’ll enjoy being able to take over 100,000 titles—straight, gay and everything in-between—on the road with her. Since she was so impressed by a sex shop here, we can’t wait to show her what North Carolina’s online entertainment options have in store for her.”

Knudsen encouraged Gaga to check out their company at her next opportunity and jumped on the remarks the star had made. Apparently, the innovative porn company has no problem providing gaga with free sex materials and wants to be able to provide Gaga with as much inspiration as possible.

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