Masturbation Serenity

tumblr_lf7ng676n21qzck00o1_500What some people may consider a self-indulgent activity while watching free porn, masturbation may be —even more than they anticipated.

Masturbation is not only a great way to get off when you’re horny and alone, but it might be your way into a meditative state, or into the deep Self, if you will. All kinds of sounds and activities can help produce the mind states associated with meditation or trance.

Stroking the bat or petting the cat might be the perfect method for those who easily link sexuality with spirituality.

Repetition is one condition that is known to help a person tune into a place of stillness in the mind or body. That repetition can come from sound, as in meditation music that has a quieting pattern, or from the chanting of a mantra. Saying an affirmation every day to yourself in the mirror is a kind of repetition that evokes a light trance state and feelings of positivity.


Masturbation is a powerful tool for repetition and positivity. There is repeating motion in the hand as on pleasures their genitals. There are the waves of pleasure themselves which repeat in their own patterns and obviously produce good feelings. By getting into a state of slowly building pleasure, a person can find a psychological realm that feels like a peaceful trance-like experience.


In this form of masturbation, the goal is not immediate orgasm. Take your time. Allow yourself to be in the journey toward climax, a journey that could last for hours. By approaching orgasm then backing off from your repetitive hand movements, you can not only stay in the peaceful realm, but build and build the powerful sexual energy. Some people call the getting close and backing off edging while the state of mind that can occur in being so close to orgasm for an extended time is called gooning.


This practice can be done anywhere you normally relax. If you like to jill or jack off in a warm, scented oil bath, try this method there. If you stroke it in bed watching sex videos before sleeping, go to bed early and try this with enough time to make it last a while. Once you are finally going to allow yourself to cum, get ready for some amazing feelings. You will have a phenomenal release.

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